f - fontname  (e.g. default)
c - color code   (e.g. 000000)
b- background color code   (e.g. FFFFFF)
s - line spacing  (e.g. 3) (range = 1-5)
w - image width   (e.g. 500) (range = 200-600)
pt - top padding   (e.g. 3) (range = 0 - 10)
pl - left padding   (e.g. 1) (range = 0 - 10)
a - author line spacing   (e.g. 3) (range = 0 - 10)
i - image format   (e.g. 1) (default 0 = png, 1 = gif, 2 = jpeg)

u - url, without http://   (e.g. yoursite.com/random_quote.php)


forum code

or as html code
<IMG SRC="http://powerchaos.com/quotes/q2.php?u=powerchaos.com/survey/survey.php" ALT="random testimonials">

random testimonials

edit this code like explained above for custom image (see preview below)  : &c=EEFFF0&b=0000EE

forum code

or as html code 
<IMG SRC="http://powerchaos.com/quotes/q2.php?u=powerchaos.com/survey/survey.php&&c=EEFFF0&b=0000EE" ALT="random testimonials with Custom Settings">

random testimonials with Custom Settings